Sunday, May 22, 2011

Santander, Spain

During our studies here in Bad Mergentheim, a class is offered that we have already taken back at OSU so a group of us all got a week off of school and some time to travel further than Germany. I took this opportunity to get on a plane and go see my friend Becca in Santander, Spain. Unfortunately I don't know much Spanish beyond counting 1-10 or saying "Gracias", but luckily Becca knows a ton of Spanish so It wasn't too bad when I was with her haha. The day I flew in was really pretty weather so we got to head down to the beach and get a little bit of sun, but unfortunately this was the only clear day we got. After getting some sun we met up with one of Becca's teacher's daughters who was from Spain. It was funny because she learned English in the UK so she had a British accent whenever she talked English. I had never met anyone with an accent like that so it was pretty cool. We later went to this restaurant/bar where all the food and drinks were only 1 euro! Granted they were small portions, but it was awesome. During my stay in Santander, Becca's host dad took us on a little drive to a small town to get authentic Chocolate con Churros. Probably the best thing ever! They were much like the churros you can get in Disneyland or at a fair, but 10x better and came with a thick hot chocolate sauce to dip them in. It was a lot of fun to go see such a different culture, but it was nice to get back to a country with a language that wasn't so extremely foreign to me. This weekend will feel much like another vacation week because I lucked out and only have two days of school for some reason. Life in Europe is tough :-)

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